Chris Warhead Demydenko is a self-taught drummer/ singer that has been involved in the extreme metal underground for nearly 3 decades. He is the founding member of the US Black Metal Legion Abazagorath. Formed in 1995 Abazagorath is one of the first (and longest lasting) bands of the United States Black Metal movement. He is also involved in numerous other projects which include Blasphematory (drums/ keyboards), Mausoleum (drums and vocals) and Disma (drums).Though he is not a technical monster he is apt and quite capable of playing drums.
“After hours upon hours of trying to tune drums by ear with no success, I decided to try DrumDial. This product was so simple to use, but how did it sound? Amazing, my drums have never sounded this good. DrumDial truly is a great product. No drummer should go to a gig without it!”
Contact Chris “Warhead” Demydenko